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Yesterday, today and tomorrow

History clearly indicates that, some of yesterday's people -those blind lovers of the transient and colorful world, who had worldly things to lose from the fulfillment of Divine Promises- unsuccessfully did all they could to prevent them from happening; ... Namrood the king of the time, thought that he could prevent the birth of Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH) which was a Promise of Allah, but he was born and delivered the Divine Message of hope to all yearning hearts of the time and gave them the Glad Tidings of a time when the Message of hope would encompass the entire Existence at the hand of the last Successor of the final Prophet (PBUT) who would be of his descendants through his son Ismael (PBUT); Pharaoh thought that by killing all unborn children, he could stop the birth of the Prophet Moses (PBUH), but Moses was born and ironically raised in his own palace and fulfilled the Divine Promise for the people of the time, and delivered the Glad Tidings of the most Exalted Progeny who would be among the brethren of Bani-Israel, i.e. the Bani-Ismael, and would fulfill the Divine Promise of Bliss and happiness for the entire existence, and ... .

By disobeying Allah and the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH&HP) and ..., and martyring Hazrat Ali and Imam Hassan (PBUT) and therefore creating Aashoora, they thought that they could stop the fulfillment of the Divine Promise which all Prophets (PBUT) had delivered to people of all times, and ... .

Through keeping Imam Hassan Askari (PBUH) under close surveillance in a military zone, they thought that they could prevent the Ever-Promised birth of the Savior of humankind, but Mahdi (PBUH) was miraculously born, and ever since the age of five, he has been protected behind the curtains of Disappearance, and ... .

And today ..., still the blind lovers of the transient and colorful world -those who have worldly things to lose from the fulfillment of the Divine Promise of hope and justice for the entire existence- are unsuccessfully doing all they can to prevent the Promise from being fulfilled; they have been trying to denigrate the celestial personalities of Mohammad and his Ahl-Ol-Bait (PBUT) and therefore discrediting the true Islam, they have been trying to cast the dark shadows of hopelessness, and doubt in regard to Mahdi (PBUH), on minds and hearts, and ... .

But, no one can prevent the Promise of Allah -the one and only Creator of the entire Existence- from being Fulfilled, ABSOLUTELY NO ONE.