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Only God


O' God! Show us the way towards You;

We are seekers of the Path towards You.


Which Path, leads us to You?

We ask no one, but You!


When Adam (PBUH) was created, God taught him some of His special Knowledge which Angels were not taught before. God asked Angels to prostrate to Adam and learn from him (Qur'an, Surah Baqarah, …). Satan (Eblis)-who is a jinn, and prior to that time was a devoted worshiper of God- became jealous of Adam being at a higher position than he was. So the Devil, self-centered and proud, disobeyed God and refused to honor Adam. Satan told God that he wished to worship God many ways that no one else ever had, but he did not want to honor Adam. God responded to Satan:


Worshiping Me is ONLY and ONLY the way I wish, not the way you wish!


In other words, worshiping God, is His obedience and doing exactly what He commands. If God has asked us to obey certain people He has chosen, for example to obey Muhammad(PBUH&HP), it does not mean that our obeying Muhammad is the same as worshiping Mohammad (PBUH&HP) independently. On the contrary, because God has commanded us to absolutely obey the infallible Mohammad, obeying the Prophet, is therefore, worshiping and obeying Allah.

When, by God's command and based on Qur'an, the Prophet Muhammad(PBUH&HP) -whose words, according to Qur'an (Surah Najm,…), are nothing but Divine Revelations and he is to be fully obeyed by all humans- asked people to obey Imam Ali and his progeny (PBUT) after him (at Yawm-O-Ddaar, Ghadir, …), some people disobeyed Allah and His Prophet.

The Prophet Mohammad (PBUH&HP) has repeatedly said (Hadith Thaqalain):


I leave two precious and weighty things among you, the Book of Allah, and my Etrat, my Ahl-Ol-Bait, as long as you hang on and cling two them both together, you shall Never ever, go astray, after me. And, those two, are inseparable from one another, until the day that they shall enter and be next to me by the Pool of Kothar (Abundance) , (Hereafter) ... .


(Shi'ah documents: Behaar-Ol-Anwaar; Wassaa'el-O-Shi’ah&...)

(Sunni documents: Sonan Al-termadhy; Sahih Al-moslem &...)


Therefore, obeying and honoring the Prophet and the Ahl-Ol-Bait(PBUT) -the servants and true worshipers of God chosen by God and created with the capacity to hold the Divine knowledge- is by no means the same as worshiping them, NEVER, on the contrary it is simply and obviously just obeying and worshiping the one and only Almighty.

May Allah bless us with humbleness to worship Him as He Wishes, and bestow upon us the Light to understand His Word through His Chosen Ones; and the last Chosen One on earth today is our beloved Mahdi (PBUH),, May Allah hasten his wonderful Appearance … .