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Wives of the Prophets


Ever since human being started his life on earth, many events have happened. People have always attempted to record these events. Some historians have written under the forceful influence of governments and politicians. Others have written for fame and recognition. Certain ones have wanted to make personal statements. Other ones have recorded the events under the shadow of their own beliefs and emotions. A few have tried to write sincerely. Others ... . All and all, history of humankind can not be discovered by just reading a few books. A serious researcher gathers various information from different sources put pieces of the puzzle next to one another and tries to draw an approximate picture of what had happened. The noteworthy point is that the most knowing, honest, unbiased and powerful observer of the entire history is God!


God has revealed many information about the past events and the future, to His chosen ones. History of humankind from creation to eternity is actually recorded in Qur'an and explained in some detail by Mohammad and his progeny -PBUT- (for information regarding the authenticity and credibility of Qur'an and Shi'ah Narratives in comparison with other religious sources we invite you to read the article “... Jesus... Mohammad ...(PBUT)” in this site). A fair and serious researcher, by putting different sources of history next to Qur'an and the very rich Shi'ah documents, can find out the truth about many events of the past which have actually shaped the present. Maintaining a pure intention and applying a serious attention are vital in this truth-finding process, because the future of humankind depends on it.


After the departure of every holy Prophet from this world, many events happened which shaped the structure of a distorted Monotheism and as the result, the fate of humankind has been affected. Making the right decisions, choosing the correct path which leads to eternity and building our current lives on these solid foundations, depend on our understanding of the events which happened during the life times of Prophets and after.


According to certain jewish and christian documents, one of Moses' wives was a rebellious woman. In sunni documents, it has been narrated that the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH and HP) had prophesied that one of his wives would rise against ‘Ali (PBUH) and he had warned ‘Aayeshah (Aisha) not to be that one ... . After the Prophet, ‘Aayeshah rose against Hadrat ‘Ali (PBUH) in the war of Jamal; and while she remembered the Prophet's prophesy but chose to do as she wished any way.


(Mostadrak al-Sahihain, Taarikh Tabari, ...)


Prophet Mohammad (PBUH and HP) has said:


Yoosha' son of Noon (Joshua), the Wasi (Successor) of Moses, lived thirty years after Moses died. One of Moses' wives fought him after Moses died and claimed that she was more worthy and rightful for the Matter than Yoosha'. So Yoosha' fought back and killed those with her. He captured her as a captive but treated her kindly.


And the same will happen to the daughter of AbuBakr; she will rise with thousands of men and she will fight ‘Ali. ‘Ali will fight back and kill those with her. He will capture her as a captive and he will treat her kindly as well. And this verse was revealed referring to her: Stay in your houses, and do not display yourselves at the manner of the former days of Jaaheliyah (Ignorance …).

[warning ‘Aayeshah not to follow the former Jaaheliyah of Moses' wife …].


(Tafsir Borhan, Tafsir Noor al-Thaqalain, ...)


Even those who were related to the Prophets (PBUT) had their share of distorting the Path to Salvation. This is why it is so vital that the God-chosen Infallible Successors of Prophets must be followed and obeyed otherwise, as history verifies, happiness and bliss of humankind here and Hereafter are affected. We have the responsibility to find out the Truth and the Path to Salvation. If we make the same mistakes which others have made, we should keep in mind that- sooner or later- we shall return to God and we shall be questioned about every thing we have done and have not done. If we love God, as we claim that we do, it is obvious that we must walk in the path He has specified and under his Light … otherwise, we shall be lost ... .


Today, the last God-chosen Successor of the last holy Prophet is Mahdi (PBUH). Loving and obeying Mahdi is the only way to everlasting happiness ... .


We also invite you to read the article “Ghadir, from creation to eternity“ in this site: