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And Mohammad (PBUH&HP) Came ...


The prophet Mohammad (PBUH&Hp) was born on the year 570 A.D.,i.e six centuries after the previous Olol-azm Prophet, Eisa -Jesus- (PBUH). In the fifth century A.D., the Church -which was going to rule over Europe for many centuries- declared the reading of many Gospels as unlawful. The centuries which the Church ruled over Europe are known as “The dark Ages”; in those centuries and after, the Church -based on distorted Christianity and not the teachings of Jesus (PBUH)- through the inquisition of people's beliefs and their punishment, blocked the development of science and technology. For instance, when Galileo -based on the writings and discoveries of Islamic scientists- talked about the earth revolving around the sun, he was tortured and forced to repent from his idea (also see the article: “Europe, Christianity and Islam” in this site). In many of the so-called unlawful Gospels, the concepts of Trinity and crucifixion of Jesus and alike -as originated by Paul and not by Jesus- were not mentioned and the good news about the last holy Prophet and his name were indicated. History indicates that when the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH&HP) was born, still some of those Gospels where available and had many followers. For instance, in the Gospel of Barnaba -which an old copy of it was re-found on the sixteenth century A.D., while the ruling Church was getting weaker after the Dark Ages, in the private library of Pope Sixtus the fifth- we read statements such as :


... the messenger of God, who was made before me, and shall come after me, and shall bring the words of truth, so that his faith shall have no end.'
(chapter 42, statement 17)

Jesus said:my consolation is in the coming of the messenger, who shall destroy every false opinion of me, and his faith shall spread and shall take hold of the whole world, for so has God promised to Abraham our father. And that which gives me consolation is that his faith shall have no end, but shall be kept inviolate by God.'

(chapter 97, statements 5&6)

Jesus said: Mohammad is his blessed name.'

Then the crowd lifted up their voices, saying: O' God, send us thy messenger: O' Mohammad, come quickly for the salvation of the world!'

(chapter 97, statements 18&19)


(We also invite you to read the article “How did the Gospel of Barnabas Survive?“ in this site.)


In the Gospel of Barnabas, Jesus(PBUH) is coated that God had promised Ibrahim about the Messenger of God(Mohammad -PBUH&HP-). In the current Old Testamant, Book of Genesis, chapter 17, statement 20 we read :


And as for Ismael, I have heard thee: Behold, I have blessed him, and will make him fruitful, and will multiply him exceedingly; twelve princes shall he beget, and I will make him a great nation.


As indicated, the good news regarding Mohammad and 12 Imams (PBUT) was given by Allah.

By comparing the time of the Prophet Mohammad's birth and the time when the church declared the unlawfulness of over one hundred different Gospels (By Pope St. Gelasius at the end of the fifth century A.D. ), it is obvious that many of those Gospels where available when the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH&HP) started his heavenly invitation. In Qur'an surah A'raaf, verse 157 we read:


... the one whom they find him mentioned in their own (scriptures) in Torah and Enjil (Gospel) ...


here,God is indicating that in the undistorted Torah and Enjil (Gospel) many facts were written about Mohammad. Also in Qur'an, surah Maa’edah, verse 15 we read:


O' people of the book (Jews and Christians )! there has come to you our Messenger, revealing to you much that you have hidden in the Book ...


Allah in this verse is telling the Jews and Christians that they were hiding many writings and facts. In addition, in Qur'an, surah Baqarah, verse 146 , it is said that:


those whom We have given them the Book (Torah and Enjil), know him as well as their own sons ... .


when the followers of Torah (Jews) and Enjil (Christians) met the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH&HP), they knew him as well as their own sons. The signs of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH&HP) in the books which they had in their hands were that clear. It is so sad that human being in search of his worldly dreams, is willing to step over every thing even God's Word! Has humankind not believed that he shall return to God and he is only in this world for a few days?!

In Qur'an, Surah Saf, verse 6 we read :


And remember, Eisa(Jesus), the son of Maryam, said: "O Children of Israel! I am the Messenger of Allah to you, confirming the Torah before me, and giving Glad Tidings of a Messenger to come after me, whose name shall be Ahmad... .


Yes, the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH&HP) -who was given the name Ahmad,which means being praised, seven days after his birth because he was praised in heavens and earth- came as all previous Prophets had promised. The light of God always shines through even in the mist of all distortions; in the current Gospel of John, chapter 14, statement number 30, we read:


(Jesus said:)After this I will not talk much more with you, for the king of this world shall come... .