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Allah is testing our faith


The Prophet Mohammad (PBUH&HP) has said:


Mahdi will be of my children; Allah shall triumph over the world's easts and wests at his hand. Mahdi is he who will disappear from his friends; a Disappearance during which no one will remain steadfast in believing in his Imamate (Divinely Ordained Lordship) unless he whom Allah has tested his heart for the faith.

(Yanabi-Ol-Mawaddah, Imam Al-Mahdy, ...)


On the one hand, as human knowledge and awareness increase, human becomes more sensitive about the qualifications, competency and authority of the world's managers and leaders. It seems that the more human witnesses wars and conflicts, political lies and deceits, money and power-seeking, oppression and injustice, class and racial discriminations and alike, the more pessimist, human becomes; how can leaders be trusted when they keep making, intentional and unintentional, mistakes?!

On the other hand, human is observing the occurrence of many wrong doings at the hand of so-called religious people and in the name of God and religion. One may conclude that the Imams -whom the Shi'ah have been talking about- are like other leaders throughout history and if that is so, why Anticipate Mahdy?


The key point is that Mahdy and his forefathers (PBUT) are not like regular people; they are INFALLIBLE and MA'SOOM which means that they do not, intentionally or unintentionally, make mistakes; they only do as Allah wants them to do and surely, the All-Loving and Knowing Allah never makes a mistake!!!


Let us not forget that Allah is testing our faith; it is so wonderful that the true and steadfast Shi'ah are always optimist and hopeful in the midst of all darknesses and lies and that is the secret of the Shiah's survival in this jungle called the world ... .