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Mourning … Part 5


Mourning …

Part 5


Veneration and honoring of Divine Sha’aa’er (Sacraments, Symbols, Emblems, …)


Preserving and honoring Divine Sha’aa’er is one of the commands of Islam:


Qur’an 22:32 That (is so); and whoever honors the Sha’aa’er of Allah, indeed this is from the piety of hearts.


Sha’aa’er means sacraments, symbols, signs, marks, emblems and … which symbolize and signify the beliefs honored by a person or group. In the Surah Baqarah (2) Verse 158 of the Majid Qur’an, Safa and Marwa have been described as Sha’aa’er of Allah, and in Verse 36 of Surah Hajj (22) the sacrificial camels have been termed as Sha’aa’er of Allah. It is important to pay attention that to respect or honor anything which stimulates the remembrance of Allah and His Commands, without the intention of worship of that thing, according to the Majestic Qur’an is from the “piety of hearts”.


Mourning for Imam Hussain (SBUH) surely stimulates the remembrance of Allah and His Commands and thus its honoring is indeed an undeniable example of honoring and venerating the Sha’aa’er of Allah. Imam Hussain (SBUH) offered all he had in the cause of Allah and preservation of the True Religion of Allah.


The Sha’aa’er which have been related to commemorating and honoring Imam Hussain (SBUH) include: Black clothes, black banners, mourning congregations, mourning processions, chest beating, crying, weeping, wailing, lamenting, passion plays or theatrical reenactment of battle of Karbala, and ...


It is also noteworthy to mention that in Verse 65 of Surah Anfaal (8) of The Majestic Qur’an it is stated that it is possible for one “patient” Believer of Allah to overcome ten unbelievers. Let us pay attention that patience of a Believer is the key mentioned in the Verse for such a result. Keeping in mind that according to Hadiths of the Infallible Ones (Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 69, Baab 32; …) ten levels for Eemaan (True Believing) have been specified, and seven portions of Eemaan are mentioned which patience is one of those portions; thus the higher the level of Eemaan surely the stronger the belief of the person and the more his patience. For instance it is said that Salmaan Farsi- one of the Prophet Mohammad’s and Hadrat ‘Ali’s (SBUT) companions-  possessed level ten of Eemaan. And people such as Hadrat ‘Abbaas (SBUH) have been clarified by the Infallible Ones (SBUT) to be beyond such a division … and indeed the fourteen Infallible Ones (SBUT) are in the class of their own, incomparable to all creations …


The faithful companions of Imam Hosain (SBUH)- who were willing to offer their lives over and over in the cause  of Allah- were clarified by the Imam (SBUH) himself that they were the best of companions; surely the level of their Eemaan, including their patience, was among the highest; not to mention the influence of Imam Hosain’s (SBUH) Allah Bestowed Wilayat … So when in the narrations of the details of the battle of Karbala it is mentioned that, under the command of the Infallible Imam of their time, each of the companions killed tens … of those muslim-oid unbelievers, those enemies of Allah, this is absolutely no exaggeration whatsoever. Let us also keep in mind that the battle of Karbala is not only reported by the Shi’ah but also by the Sunni in books such as Tarikh Tabari. Battle of Karbala is not a man-created myth … it is a true undeniable event with all those details … The level of Eemaan, spirituality, sincerity, patience and … of those men prior to their martyrdom … is beyond our comprehension.


Mourning has indeed been an expression of continuous readiness for Appearance of Hadrat Mahdi (SBUH) who shall avenge the blood of Imam Hosain (SBUH) …


Another point to be aware of is the continuous efforts by those who knowingly or unknowingly keep humankind in state of ignorance. Significance of remembering ‘Ashura in keeping alive the one and only Truth and Religion of Allah- as upheld and taught by all Prophets of Allah (SBUT), prior to man entered distortions- is undeniable; thus the malevolent who wish to keep humankind occupied with worldly pleasures … have been trying to take this spiritual readiness and strength away through mocking, through penetrating their people into the lines of Believers to cause many problems, through misrepresenting, and … So Believers should be aware and careful that there have always been those who have caused clear waters to appear muddy, then they fish their own wishes from them …


Let us not forget that  the Prophet Muhammad (SAWA) has said:


Surely, there exists in the hearts of the Believers, with respect to the martyrdom of Husain, a heat that never subsides.


(Mustadrak al-Wasail, vol. 10,pg. 318; …)


Also the Prophet (SAWA) has said:


O Fatimah! Every eye shall be weeping on the Day of Judgment except the eye which has shed tears over the tragedy of Husayn for surely, that eye shall be laughing and shall be given the glad tidings of the bounties and comforts of Paradise.


(Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 44, p. 293; …)


In addition, in authentic Hadiths of the Infallible Ones (SBUT), a weeping, lamenting and … which signify that the person is not satisfied or content with currently prevailing conditions or circumstances (Jaza’ wa Faza’) have been prohibited, except for the sufferings of Imam Hosain (SBUH) for which rewards are promised. (Kaamel al-Ziyaaraat, p. 100; Behaar al-Anwaar, vol. 44, p. 291; …)


Honoring the Sha’aa’er of Imam Hosain (SBUH) is indeed one of the best examples of keeping alive the Amr (Matter, Command, …) of Hadrat Mohammad and the AhlulBayt (SBUT) who are the Allah Chosen lords of Divine Amr. This keeping the Divine Amr alive in beliefs and hearts of Believers shall continue until the Appearance of the last Saaheb (lord) of al-Amr, Hadrat Mahdi (May Allah Hasten His Noble Relief); he (SBUH) who shall avenge the unjustly shed blood of Imam Hosain and other Imams, Prophets and Successors (SBUT). May the Day be soon when, at his hand, Divine Amr shall spread all over … AAMEEN


It has been narrated that Imam Saadeq (SBUH) asked some one whether they sat together and remembered the AhlulBayt (SBUT); the person said yes. The Imam (SBUH) said that he indeed liked such gatherings and He (SBUH) told him to revive the AhlulBayt’s Amr. The Imam (SBUH) then said that Allah has Mercy on those who keep the AhlulBayt’s (SBUT) Amr alive; he continued that he who sheds tears- be it as little as an insect’s wing- when remembering the AhlulBayt, or when the AhlulBayt are mentioned in his presence, Allah shall forgive his sins, even if they are as enormous as the sea foam. (Wasaa’el al-Shi’ah, vol. 14, p. 501; …)


To be continued …