Mourning … Part 10

Mourning …

Part 10


Sorrow and tears of the world of creation for sufferings of Imam Hosain (SBUH)


It has been narrated from Hadrat ‘Ali (SBUH) that he (SBUH) swore by Allah- Who splits seeds and brings them forth from the earth and creates creatures- that surely his son Hosain (SBUH) would be murdered and that heavens and the earth would cry for him. (Tafsir Jaame’, under verse 44:29; …)


Imam Sadiq (SBUH) has asserted that indeed the killers of Hadrat Yahyaa and Imam Hosain (SBUT) were illegitimate and misbegotten, and that the sky cried over Imam Hosain (SBUH) for six months and was red; he (SBUH) continued that the redness of sky and earth signifies their crying. (Tafsir Borhaan, vol. 4, p. 161, H. 4; …)


In regard to verse 44:29 in sunni documents, it is also stated that when Imam Hosain (SBUH) was killed the sky  cried and that the cry of sky was its redness; and that during the days Hadrat Hosain (SBUH) was murdered blood rained from sky … (Sahih Muslim; Tafsir Tha’labi; Tafsir Qortobi; Tafsir Dorr al-Manthoor; Yanaabi’ al-Mawaddah; …)


Maytham Tamaar has narrated that Amir al-Mo’menin (SBUH) told him that every thing would cry over the oppressedness and suppressedness of Hadrat Hosain (SBUH) even the beasts in wilderness and fishes in seas and birds in sky, the sun and the moon and the stars, the heavens and the earth, the believers of humankind and jinnkind, all angels in heavens and earths, Rezwaan and Maalek and carriers of the ‘Arsh … and that the sky would rain blood and ashes … (Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 45, p. 202; …)


In the sunni Tarikh Kabir of Tabari vol. 4 part 1 p. 26, and in the sunni Fazaa’el al-Sahaabah of Ahmad ibn Hanbal vol. 2 p. 776 h. 1373, and the sunni Tabaraani, vol. 3, pp. 130-131, and in the sunni Tarikh al-Kholafa of Soyooti, p. 166, and …, it has been stated that Um Salamah, wife of Prophet (SAWA), heard the jinns lamenting and mourning over Hosain (SBUH).


The sunni ‘Abd al-Qaader Jilaani in vol. 2 p. 62 of Ghaniyah al-Taalebin has said that 70000 angels have been mourning next to the grave of Hadrat Hosain (SBUH) and that this mourning would continue until the Day of Resurrection.


Imam Baaqer (SBUH) has asserted that at the night when Amir al-Mo’menin (SBUH) was martyred there was fresh blood under every stone which was lifted, and that it was the same at the night when Hadrat Haaroon brother of Hadrat Moosa was martyred, and the night when Yoosha’ son of Nune was martyred, and the night when Hadrat ‘Eesa (SBUH) was lifted, and the night when Sham’oon ibn Hammoon Safa was martyred, and that it was the same when Hadrat Hosain (SBUH) was martyred. (Kaamel al-Ziyaaraat, p. 76; …)


Let us not forget that Hadrats Haaroon and Yoosha’ were Allah-chosen Successors of Hadrat Moosa (SBUT), and Hadrat Sham’oon was the Successor of Hadrat ‘Eesa (SBUT), and Hadrat ‘Ali and Imam Hosain (SBUT) were two of the Successors of Hadrat Mohammad (SAWA) …


Some effects and blessings of mourning over the AhlulBayt (SBUT), specially over Imam Hosain, the Sayyed al-Shohada, (SBUH)


It has been narrated that Imam Saadeq (SBUH) has said that the breath of a person who is grieved for the oppression inflicted upon them is regarded as Tasbih and glorification of Allah, and his grief for them, as the Worship of Allah; then he asserted that this statement should be written in gold. (Behaar al-Anwaar, vol. 44, p. 288; Amaali Shaikh Mofid, p. 338, H. 3; …)


It has been narrated that Imam Reza (SBUH) has said that any one remembering their distress and crying over what have happened to them, on the Day of Judgment will be with them and at their level; and any one remembering their distress and crying and making others cry, his eyes shall not be tearful on the Day that eyes shall be tearful; and  any one being present in a sitting where their Amr (matter of their Wilayat, Rightfulness, …) is being kept alive, his heart shall be alive on the day when hearts will die. (Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 44, p. 278; Amaali of Shaikh Sadooq, p. 73, H. 4; …)


It is also narrated from Imam Reza (SBUH) who has said that any one avoiding his efforts for obtaining his desires on the day of ‘Aashoora, Allah shall grant him his wishes in the world and the Hereafter, and any one for whom the day of ‘Aushura is the day of crying, sorrow, and distress, Allah SWT will make the Day of Judgment a day of happiness and joy for him and his eyes shall be brightened in Heaven by them, and any one considering the day of ‘Aashoora as a day of blessing and stockpiles any thing for his home, he will not find any fruitfulness in that thing and on the Day of Resurrection he shall be in the lowest ranks of Fire in the midst of Yazid, ‘Obaydollah ibn Ziyaad and ‘Umar ibn Sa’ad, upon whom be the La’n of Allah. (Amaali of Shaikh Sadooq, p. 129, H. 4; …)


The Holy Prophet (SAWA) informed Hadrat Fatimah (SBUH) that all eyes would shed tears on the Day of Judgment except the eyes which cried over the sufferings of Husain (SBUH), they would be smiling and pleased with the blessings of Paradise. (Ikhtiyaar Ma’refat al-Rijaal of Shaikh Toosi, p. 89)


As part of a lengthy Hadith it is narrated from Imam Sadiq (SBUH) who has said that any one, from his eyes, tears fall even as little as a wing of a fly, when Imam Hosain (SBUH) is mentioned, his reward shall be upon Allah and He SWT shall not be pleased with less than Heaven for him. (Kaamel al-Ziyaaraat, p. 100, H. 3; …)


In a part of a long conversation between Imam Saadeq (SBUH) and one of his devotees, the Imam (SBUH) asked him whether he ever remembered Imam Hosain’s (SBUH) affliction, he responded that he surely did; the Imam (SBUH) then asked him whether he became sorrowful from his (SBUH) affliction, he answered that by Allah he became so sorrowful that his household noticed it and that he was so uninterested in eating that it became apparent on his face; the Imam (SBUH) gave him the good news that Allah had blessed his tears, and that he was regarded among those who had wept restlessly for their affliction, been happy for their happiness, been sad for their sadness, been anxious for their anxiety, and felt secure at time of their security and safety; the Imam (SBUH) then told him that he soon, at time of his death, would meet his (SBUH) fathers (SBUT) who would commend him to the death angel, and would give him certain glad tidings that would brighten his eyes before death, and that the death angel at that time would be kinder to him than the kindest mother.


The Imam (SBUH) continued that no one has cried for them and for what has happened to them out of mercy unless Allah SWT, before his tears has fallen, has blessed him mercifully, and once his tears has rolled down his cheeks, then if a drop of it would fall on the Fire of Hell, it would put out the heat of the Fire in a way that it would have no heat at all.


The Imam (SBUH) has also asserted that any one whose heart has ached for them would be happy at time of death when meeting them, and that until entering unto them at the Pool of Kawthar, that happiness would remain in his heart. (Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 44, pp. 290-291; …)


We must pay attention that the price of such tears is the pricelessness of Imam Hosain and the AhlulBayt (SBUT) … thus it is no wonder that even one drop can extinguish the Fire …


The sunni Mulla ‘Ali Qari in his al-Mirqat fi Mishkat al-Masabih narrates from Ahmed ibn Hanbal who said that Hadrat Hosain (SBUH) said that any one crying over his hardships and sufferings Allah would take him to heaven. (As cited in Tarikh Ahmadi, p. 277)


The sunni Fakhr Raazi said any one dying with the love of the Prophet’s offspring would be considered a martyr. (Tafsir Kabir, vol. 7, p. 390)


Some lamenters- in order to try to explain all the narrations describing the rewards for crying over Imam Hosain, the lord and master of all martyrs, (SBUH)- present the report of the meeting of ‘Allaamah Bahr al-‘Oloom with Hadrat Mahdi (SBUH); the summary of the story is as follows:


‘Allaamah Bahr al-‘Oloom on his way to Samarra was thinking about the claim that crying over Imam Hosain (SBUH) did away with one’s sins, when he met an Arab gentleman rider; the Arab gentleman asked him what was on his mind. The ‘Allaamah told him that he was wondering how was it that Allah had promised so many blessings and rewards for going on pilgrimage of and crying over Imam Hosain (SBUH) so much that for every step of the pilgrims the reward of one Hajj and one ‘Omrah would be written, and for one drop of tear all sins, small and great, would be forgiven!


That Arab rider told him not to be astonished and he presented a parable to solve his problem …


One day a king on a hunting trip fell behind his companions. He saw a tent, tired, hungry and thirsty, sought shelter. An old lady and his son were living in that tent; they only had one goat from its milk they used to live. Since they had nothing else to offer their guest, whom they did not know, they slaughtered the goat and offered its meat to their guest. The king spent the night in their tent.


Next day the king went back and told the story for his court. The king consulted them to decide a deserving reward for the action of the old lady and his son. One said to give them one hundred sheep, another said one hundred sheep and one hundred gold coins, yet another said a farm, and …


The king said whatever he gave them would not be enough, and only if he gave them his sovereignty and kingdom it would be equal to what they had done, for they had given all they had.


Then the Arab gentleman rider reminded the ‘Allaamah that the Sayyed of all martyrs gave all he had, himself and his loved ones … in the cause of Allah … so if so many rewards have been promised for his pilgrims and for crying over him, one must not be astonished … the rider said this and disappeared from his sight … (al-Abqari al-Hesaan, vol. 2, p. 119)


To be continued …
