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Melting hearts

In regard to Imam Mahdi’s (PBUH) period of Disappearance, the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH&HP) has said:

In those days, the Believer’s (Mo’men) heart melts inside him –just like salt, dissolving in water- because of what he sees and observes from evil and wrong doings, and he is not able to change them… .

(Montakhab-Ol-Athar, …)

In today’s world, we see and hear about many evil thoughts and acts in all aspects of human life. From denying the existence of Allah to mocking at the Prophets of Allah, from rejecting the necessity of the obedience of Allah to ignoring the bestowed status of the chosen-ones, from relationships outside the sacred boundaries of marriage as specified by Allah to illegitimate children, from unfair wars and transgressions to refugees, orphans and disabled people and poverty, from trespassing on Divine limits to disabled and dead spirits, from insecurity, loneliness, lack of peace of mind, …to emotional and psychological disorders caused by separation from Allah and His benevolent way of life, from class and racial discriminations and injustice to shameless crimes of rapes, murders and …, from hopelessness and aimlessness to drug and alcohol addictions and suicides, …, all these things and more, are things that we live with everyday.

A true Believer who has realized the aim of creation and has touched and been touched by the love of Allah, is heart-broken from all this injustice; a true Believer who has felt Mahdi’s love and benevolence in every aspect of his life, wants to share that celestial love and hope with every one, but when he is in a situation which he does not have the power to do so, his heart breaks into peaces and his eyes into tears.

There are many cases which we can do something about, we can try to help ourselves and others, and with Allah’s help, change directions of lives toward the Path of Salvation, but there are lots of cases that we can not do anything about and if we are a true Believer, sadness should encompass our souls from all the injustice… . But in these moments, along with sadness which breaks our hearts, the light of Divine hope keeps our hearts alive; we know that injustice is not permanent, we know that Mahdi shall come and encompass all hearts and minds… .

In those dark moments when we feel that there is nothing we can do, there is actually something we can do, something very effective!

The nearness of re-Appearance is quite effected by supplications and invocations. Allah reduced the calamity of the children of Israel by 170 years which was previously ordained for 400 years and Allah sent the Prophet Moses (PBUH) and saved them, only on the account of their entreaties and pleas; Imam Saadeq (PBUH) has exhorted the Shi’ah to pray as much as possible for the early re-Appearance of Imam Mahdi -May Allah hasten his Appearance- (Tafsir Ayyaashi,… ).

The most sincere Believer living on earth today, the true Abd and obedient servant of Allah, is Mahdi (PBUH); his pure heart is truly broken from all that is happening in the world, but he has not been given Divine permission for emergence. If we claim that we love Mahdi, then the least we can do, is implore Allah to hasten his Appearance, not so that our problems will be solved -which with Appearance, all problems will be solved- but only for our beloved Mahdi’s sincere, loving and broken heart… .