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Heavenly breeze

From the concealments of chastity, shone a Jewel;

Existence became lightful, from that brilliant Jewel.

Then, from the celestial breath of a heavenly breeze;

the dead soil became lively, fresh and green.

From the garden of Mohammad, appeared a daughter, not a son;

who brightened the whole world, just like the rising sun.

Doors of Divine Grace opened, and the entire Existence,

became lightful, from the Light of Fatima's Existence.

Behold! On the Eve of her birth on this earth;

gates of Divine Mercy opened on the people of this earth.

On the anniversary of the shining of Fatima's Light on earth, we offer everlasting bouquets of golden love and green hope, to all loving hearts from which the tears of blood fall, in separation of her Mahdi; and to all hopeful hearts which beat with the melody of her love, and with a world of hope, in Anticipation of her Mahdi (PBUT).