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Qur’an … ONE OF A KIND

Qur’an … ONE OF A KIND


As analyzed in the E-books “Ghadir: Declaration of the Truth, from creation to eternity” and “Names and characteristics of Mohammad, ‘Ali, … and Mahdi (SBUT) in Jewish, Christian and Islamic documents”, and other E-books and writings in this site:, sadly previous Divine Books- as the direct result of forsakedness of the pure teachings of Prophets and their Allah-Chosen Successors (PBUT)- have been distorted … the Last Chosen Prophet and His God-Chosen INFALLIBLE Successors (PBUT) and the very last Divine Book have been the final opportunity for humankind to find the everlasting Truth, to find the one and only Path to eternal Salvation …


So Allah in the Majestic Qur'an has Promised that Qur'an, the very last and most perfect Book, shall be protected:


We have, without doubt, sent down al-Dhekr (Qur'an …); and We will assuredly guard It.


(Qur'an, Surah Hejr (15), Verse 9) 


Allah is absolutely not like us; we make many promises and later, we break some of our promises but Allah never breaks a Promise:


Never does Allah depart from His Promise ...


(Qur’an, Surah Roome (30), Verse 6, ...) 


The Prophet Mohammad (PBUH & HP) has also repeatedly confirmed that Qur'an shall always be protected. Protection of Qur'an has different aspects. On the one hand, Quran's Words have to be protected from distortions; which in this aspect, the Promise has obviously been fulfilled and all Muslims around the world have been reading the same Qur'an for over 1400 years; whereas in regard to old and new testaments there have been so many very different versions to which many bible scholars have confessed to …


on the other hand, the genuine Divine, and not man-made, interpretations (Tafsir …), and the original and hidden meanings and secrets of Qur'an (Ta’wil) also need to be protected, which in this aspect too, the 12 INFALLIBLE Successors of the Prophet (PBUT) have been carrying this serious and celestial responsibility.


The Prophet Mohammad (PBUH & HP) has said: 


Allah has chosen and preferred amongst days, Jom'ah (Friday); amongst months, Ramadan; amongst nights, the Night of Qadr; amongst all Prophets, me. Allah appointed Ali from me and chose him superior over all Successors of Prophets. Allah selected Hassan and Hossain from Ali; He chose from Hossain, the Successors who ward, distortions of those who exaggerate, additions of those who seek vanity and untruth, and interpretations and Ta'wil of those who mislead people, off Qur'an. The ninth of them (the descendants of Hossain) will be the Qaa'em whom all of their (AhlulBayt’s) open and hidden aspects shall be with him.


(Wasaa’el al-Shi’ah, Mekyyaal al-Makaarem, ...) 


No interpretation of Qur’an is valid unless that which has been bestowed by Allah to the Prophet (PBUH & HP) and trusted to the Infallible Imams after the Prophet (PBUT); the Majid Qur’an itself has emphasized that the clarification of the verses of Qur’an are Divine and must be bestowed by Allah and no one can interpret Qur’an himself:


Verse 19 of Surah Qiyaamat (75) clearly emphasizes that the Bayaan -the Clarification and Interpretation … of Qur’an- is only from Allah; and thus humankind can not guess and actually create interpretations on his own: 


Then certainly upon Us (is) the Bayaan (Clarification and Interpretation) of It (Qur’an). 


Complementing this verse, in verse 44 of Surah Nahl (16) it is clearly Said that the Tabyeen -stating the Bayaan, the Divine Clarification and Interpretation- of Qur’an to humankind is the responsibility of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH & HP); who (PBUH & HP), by Command of Allah, taught the entire Qur’an and Bayaan to Hadrat Ali (PBUH), his Allah Appointed Successor, and then it was trusted to one Infallible Imam after the other (PBUT):


And We have revealed to you (Mohammad) al-Dhekr (The Reminder) that you Tobayyen (Tabyeen, state the Bayaan) to humankind … 


Please also refer to part 5 of “Dajjaal … Antichrist”, and part 3 of “Imam Mahdi’s (PBUH) Birth, Ascension and Rise, and the Revelation of John” also as a chapter of the E-book “Names and characteristics of Mohammad, ‘Ali, … and Mahdi (SBUT) in Jewish, Christian and Islamic documents” in this site: …


So both the heavenly Words of Qur’an and the heavenly Interpretation and Ta’wil of Qur’an have been protected by the twelve INFALLIBLE Imams (PBUT) …



And today the God-Appointed Guardian of Qur’an is no one but Hazrat Mahdi (May Allah Hasten His Appearance) …


Protection of the very Last Book of God on earth and its God-Authorized Interpretation, and not man-innovated and man-authorized, is the most vital matter in this world, for human Aim of creation and his salvation depends on it … so this Last Book has been protected by Allah and by those Appointed by Allah … today Hazrat Mahdi (PBUH) is alive and guarding the Truth … of course human is free to choose, either seek the Truth and walk on its Path and enjoy its eternal consequences, or follow falsehood and suffer its eternal consequences too …


In regard to the magnificence of the unique and majestic Qur’an few very vital points have to always be kept in mind:


Qur’an has reported and responded to the request of the people of the Book (jews, christians, …) and the disbelievers, who as a pretext and excuse for not believing had requested that Qur’an to be sent as written documents, as they had heard that a similar matter was done for books of previous Prophets:


Qur’an 4:153 The followers of the Book ask you (Mohammad SAWA) to bring down to them a written book from heaven …


Qur’an 6:7 And if We had sent to you (Mohammad SAWA) a writing on a paper (parchment …), and they had touched it with their hands, certainly those who disbelieve would have said: This is nothing but clear sorcery.


As asserted by the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH & HP), Qur’an unlike other Divine Books such as the original Torah, original Enjil (Gospel) and original Zaboor (Psalms)- which were sent to their Prophets (PBUT), as written Tablets and Plates-  was Revealed directly to the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH & HP) in form of different Surahs and Verses in different times and places during the Prophet’s time. (Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 9, p. 337; …) So indeed in this regard, obviously Qur’an is unique and incomparable to even the original Divine Books, let alone to the current distorted writings. I.e. the Word of God was directly put in the blessed mouth of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH & HP), and was not given to him as written documents; this indeed is due to the unique and sublime rank of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH & HP) in creation … THE MOST BELOVED BY ALLAH …


Undoubtedly it is precisely due to this unique characteristic of Qur’an and the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH & HP) that the Glad Tidings of previous Prophets (PBUT) have specifically emphasized on the important and unique fact that the Word of God, the Verses of His Book were to be put in the mouth of this very Last Prophet; i.e. while God had indeed communicated with previous Prophets in regard to certain matters but their Book of God which was to be delivered to their people was not directly put in their mouths rather they were bestowed in the form of written Tablets and Plates; but in the case of the Last and Foremost Prophet and the Last Book of God on earth, the issue was different … the Word of God was to be put directly in his sweet mouth and the Book of God was to be written as it was being Revealed …:


This is what, by the Grace of God, has remained in the Bible in regard to that which God said to The Prophet Moses (PBUH):


Deut. 18:18 I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and WILL PUT MY WORDS IN HIS MOUTH; AND HE  SHALL SPEAK UNTO THEM ALL THAT I SHALL COMMAND HIM.


And this is what the Bible says that the Prophet Jesus (PBUH) said:


John 16:13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: FOR HE SHALL NOT SPEAK OF HIMSELF; BUT WHATSOEVER HE SHALL HEAR, THAT SHALL HE SPEAK: and he will shew you things to come.


I.e. the bestowed Book to the Last Prophet of God was going to be different … this Last Prophet was not going to read the Word of God from written Tablets and Plates and then talk and write or dictate about It himself … let alone others, many years and centuries later, write about his life and sayings and call those writings as the book of God, as is the case with the Bible … rather the Word of God was to be put in the last Prophet’s sweet and blessed mouth word by word, statement by statement … as he was hearing Them … and he was going to deliver the Exact Words as he was commanded by God …


This means that Qur’an is unique … in the entire history of humankind Qur’an is the Only Book of God that was Revealed Word by Word to a Prophet of God … this indeed means that Qur’an is superior to the original Torah and Injil, let alone to the distorted bible … and this indeed means that the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH & HP) is unique and superior to all previous Prophets (PBUT) … in the entire history of humankind the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH & HP) was the only Prophet and Rasool of God whose words were entirely Revelations of God …


Qur’an 53:2-5 Your Sahib (master …)does not err, nor does he go astray; nor does he speak out of desire. It is naught but Revelation that is Revealed, the Lord of Mighty Power has taught him …


For more information please refer to the E-book: “Mohammad and AhlulBayt (SBUT), the Promise of Bible”.


Yes the mouth of the Prophet Mohammad, the most beloved by God, (PBUH & HP) is the most sweet, for the Word of God was put in it:


Song of Solomon 5:16 His mouth is most sweet: yea, he is Muhammadim (translated: altogether lovely). This is my beloved, and this is my friend, O daughters of Jerusalem.


What has been lately translated to “altogether lovely” and alike, in Hebrew is “Mahammadim” or “Muhammadim” …


The book of sixteenelevenbook Song of Solomon chapter 5 from the original 1611 KJV (King James Bible) has presented the following transliteration for Song of Solomon 5:16 "Hikko Mamittakim we kullo Muhammadim Zehdoodeh wa Zehraee Bayna Jerusalem."


The original ancient Hebrew, as it appears in statement sixteen, is: מחמד (which according to Ben Yehuda's Hebrew-English Dictionary, it is correctly pronounced as "Mahammadim") in the place of "altogether lovely" which has been appearing in recent English translations. Thus the Hebrew for what is being translated as "lovely" or “desirable” is מחמד or MHMD without phonetics which appear as vowels in English; or the Arabic محمد.


Please refer to part 6 of “Names of Mohammad and ‘Ali (SBUT) in the Bible” as a chapter of the E-book “Names and characteristics of Mohammad, ‘Ali, … and Mahdi (SBUT) in Jewish, Christian and Islamic documents” in this site:


The superiority of the Prophet Mohammad and therefore becoming the one to whose blessed mouth the Word of God was put stems, among other reasons, from the very significant point that no Prophet of God accepted Aayaat (communications, verses, signs …) of Allah but the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH & HP):


In Tafsir Jaame’ vol. 1 p. 398 in regard to verse 2:285- which was revealed to the Prophet SAWA during one of his major Ascensions (“The Rasool has believed in what has been Revealed to him from his Lord, …”)- it has been stated that ‘Ayyaashi has narrated from Imam Moosa Kaazem (PBUH) who said that a jew went to the Amir al-Mo’menin (PBUH) and expressed what he knew regarding the virtues and miracles of the bani-Israel Prophets (PBUT), Hazrat Amir (PBUH) in response told him that the Prophet (SAWA) and Hazrat ‘Ali (PBUH) himself as the Wasi of the Prophet, had possessed more and loftier miracles than them. The jew mentioned the miracle of Hazrat Solaymaan (PBUH) and his traveling with the wind, and wondered when the Prophet of Islam did such a thing; Hazrat ‘Ali (PBUH) told him that the Ascension of the Prophet (SAWA) was much loftier than that during which the Prophet (SAWA) traveled the one month distance to Masjid al-Aqsa and ascended the 50 thousand (heavenly) years distance, and in one third of the night approached the utmost end of the ‘Arsh of Allah and the Maqaam of ‘Elm … and it was Revealed to him that which was to be Revealed to him including this Verse … Hazrat continued that Divine Aayaat were presented to all Prophets from Adam and thenceforth but no Prophet accepted, but when it was Revealed for the Prophet Mohammad (SAWA) he accepted …


And let us remember:


Qur’an 59:21 Had We sent down this Qur’an on a mountain, you would certainly have seen it falling down, splitting asunder because of the fear of Allah, and We set forth these parables to men that they may reflect.


And it was the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH & HP) who received this unique magnificence …


Let us keep in mind that miracles of all previous Prophets (PBUT) performed during their time on earth- even raising the dead, which the Prophet Mohammad and his AhlulBayt (PBUT) have also done- are mostly heard and not seen, except …; but the most sublime miracle of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH & HP), i.e. the Qur’an, is ongoing and visible for all humankind at all times … of course for those whose hearts are not blind and deaf …


For a sample prophecy of Qur’an which happened centuries after it was prophesied please refer to “Truth behind ‘Lady of Fatima’” parts 5 and 6, also as part of the E-book “Truth Behind Christian Commemorations” in this site:




Close your eyes and imagine this world when human hearts will beat in the most peaceful and justful harmony, this world when Qur'an and its Pure Divinely intended interpretations and meanings shall become manifest by Mahdi (may Allah Hasten his wonderful Appearance) … this world when everyone shall live based on the great Qur’an …